Stýrisstilling stillir kraftinn sem þarf til að snúa hjólunum. Veldu Sport fyrir skarpari, þéttari stýristilfinningu með minni krafti og hraðari stýrissvörun en í Normal.
> Normal
> Sport
Delivering exciting driving dynamics and an 800-volt battery system for ultra-fast charging, this ground-breaking Electrified Streamliner delivers thrilling performance – built on a cutting-edge dedicated EV platform that is nothing less than a technological milestone.
Depending on your mobility needs and performance wants, you can equip your IONIQ 6 with standard or long-range battery – as well as all-wheel drive or rear wheel drive.
Create a personalised driving experience – IONIQ 6 gives you a wide range performance parameters that you can adjust to suit your mood and the situation.
Stýrisstilling stillir kraftinn sem þarf til að snúa hjólunum. Veldu Sport fyrir skarpari, þéttari stýristilfinningu með minni krafti og hraðari stýrissvörun en í Normal.
> Normal
> Sport
Þú getur stillt úttak mótorsins á:
> Maximum (Hámark)
> Normal (Venjulegt)
> Minimum (Lágmark)
IONIQ 6 gefur þér möguleika á að stilla næmni inngjafar lægra til að fá mýkri og mildari ferð.
Hægt er að velja:
> High
> Normal
> Low
Í fjórhjóladrifi (tveggja-véla) útgáfunni er hægt að velja á milli:
> AWD (Aldrif)
> Auto (Aldrif)
> 2WD (Tvíhjóladrif)
The new sound of electric driving. Enjoy a more emotionally charged driving experience with e-Active Sound Design. This Hyundai first feature produces a virtual driving sound through dedicated controllers and the BOSE premium audio system for a more engaging driving experience. The optimum sound is tailored to the cabin considering variables such as speed, torque and the driver’s acceleration.
Enjoy fingertip control. The elegant rotary type shifter is located on the steering column. Operation is quick, intuitive and precise.
Adjust the level of regenerative braking with paddle shifters mounted on the steering wheel – using the motor to slow the car and charge the battery.
Equipped with an innovative 800V battery system for some of the fastest charging times possible today, IONIQ 6 is also compatible for 400V charging and AC charging.
Get in and out of rapid charging stations faster. 400V and 800V technology gives you the flexibility of using a different charger if one type is occupied.
The powerful on-board charger gives you plenty of flexibility for normal (AC) charging – overnight at home or out at the stores or public parking.
IONIQ 6 gives you a range of flexible charging possibilities. Add 351 km of range in just 15 minutes at an ultra-fast charging station or charge fully at home overnight with an AC wallbox. Equipped with an innovative 800V battery system for some of the fastest charging times possible today, it is also compatible for 400V charging and AC charging.
See how much range you can add with 15 minutes of charging.
Stilltu stikuna í samræmi við þinn daglegan akstur og reiknaðu út hversu margir dagar þurfa að líða á milli hleðslulota.
á milli
á milli
Fjölmargir þættir hafa áhrif á sparneytni brunahreyfla og það sama á við um heildarakstursdrægni á rafmagni, sem ræðst af stærð rafhlöðunnar, aksturslagi, hitastigi, fjölda farþega og öðrum þáttum.
Just as there is a range of factors that affect the fuel efficiency of an internal combustion engine (ICE), the total electric driving range will be affected by the size of the battery, your driving style, the outside temperature, any passengers you are carrying and more.
1 Maximum range 614 km for the 77.4 kWh battery version (2WD) according to WLTP cycle. Driving range may vary depending on road conditions, your driving style and the temperature.
2 Maximum range 429 km for the 53 kWh battery version according to WLTP cycle. Driving range may vary depending on road conditions, your driving style and the temperature.
Learn more about charging times, home wallboxes, cables & plugs, and costs.
Find information about the tyres which may come with your Hyundai IONIQ 6 below.
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